Thursday, January 3, 2008

happy 2008?

A new year calls for a new start - at least that's what I thought when I started this blog. Blogger tells me the last time I blogged about my existence was way back in 2006. More accurately, I stopped when via found out about some unsuitable content in one of my posts. I guess I didn't expect me finding an avenue to vent and voice my thoughts and reflections to cause so much trouble to both of us.

Anyway, that's that. This blog, though created on a whim, shall not be any different. Heck it's not even the first day of the year anymore. But better late than never they say. Who's they anyway?

Today marks the start of my efforts to source for an income source. Not that I didn't do anything beforehand of course, but nothing as proactive as the 3rd of January. Flipping to the Recruit for the first time, I felt like I was venturing into uncharted territory. Via did a lot of groundwork for me yesterday - enough work for me to feel guilty about my identity as a male, but make no mistake that I'm really grateful for all her efforts.

My first interview was at this run-down building in Aljunied, which seriously gave me second thoughts when I saw it. Throwing caution to the wind (I guess?), my destination eventually led me to this events-planning company which has probably too few personnel to be even considered one. Heck, I had to call the phone to get the receptionist out when I was already at the reception. Talk about first impressions. The manager was a improvement, fortunately, and after listening to the details, I've become interested to say the least. Nevermind the fact that I have to work on Saturdays and that the pay was slightly below average, I was actually slightly excited by what new experiences were awaiting me. Time would tell whether I would be right when I return for a 2nd interview next Monday at 8.45am.

Somehow all this job-searching has made me pause after I got home. A part of me longs for the carefree and dare I say slack lifestyle I've been enjoying for the past 2 months since the end of my 2-year NS liability. Heck, all the anime I've watched since then has made my life more interesting than the past 2 years combined - and I've just started on Code Geass, which although isn't as absurd and awesome as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, is still pretty much kick-ass in its own right. Something about giant mecha duking it out with the world at stake is attractive. Not that via cares mind you - I tried explaining to her the difference between the genre and Power Rangers to no avail. But that's that I guess.

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