Thursday, March 27, 2008

water tennis

Ever since my brother went for his obligatory 2 year National Service term, I've been lamenting the lack of a tennis partner during my holidays. Of course, this only happens when I'm not too lazy myself ^^;

So, what does this have to do with a picture of the world no.2 tennis player Rafael Nadal doing a delicate balancing act on water? Nothing of course - except for the fact thats it on bloody water!

Sony Ericsson Open Unveils World's First Game of Tennis on Water

I simply cannot imagine how the game was played out. From my experience of playing tennis in the rain (don't ask -_-"), the ball would soak up all the water and its ability to bounce would be close to zilch.

Just leave it to the creative brains of Sony Ericsson to come up with something as outrageous as this..

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